Thursday, November 10, 2011

Thirsty Thursday............. is OVER

At the beginning of these three days, I wasn't sure I would survive it. Chewing is such a big part of my every day, but the last three days; drinking, drinking, drinking and NO chewing.  Try it.. it gives you a whole new outlook on eating.
From these last three days I've learned a few things.  I like to CHEW.  I have learned (I knew it was there, but it really poured in) I have the most amazing support system I could ask for, both here and virtual.  Thank you all for your encouragement.
Tuesday,  I didnt think I was going to even make it through the day and half way through Wednesday I was like.. I got this.. And this morning I was thinking.. Is it really gonna be over today?! Yep, and I cant wait to eat tomorrow.  Although my breakfast is packed and consists of what I have had for the last three days!   I've also learned to analyze EVERYTHING I eat in the form of calories, carbs, protein and fats.  I never realized it and wasn't sure I could even do it, but ya know what.  Its easy now.  I know they say 21 days makes it a habit.  I only have 18 more to make it so, then it will be routine!

I have also realized that I LOVE to cook for my family and while it was hard.. It was awesome!
I've finished up my liquid days (for now) with a Greek Yogurt Skim Black Raspberry smoothie :)  as a treat to me.  I DID it. Im tired now from stressing about it the past three very LONG days, but I did it.

Monday is weigh in day, I'm a lil nervous about this appointment, but it is what it is.  This past month has been  a little hard and the exercise has not been up to par! Here's hoping the scales tip in my favor.
Love to you all <3

1 comment:

  1. that smoothie sounds good!! have you tried the greek yogurt..double the protein of regular yogurt and the chobani brand is good. It's non fat and 22 carbs...I think the plain has less carbs...but like 14 grams of protein.
