Sunday, November 6, 2011

One month and Stuck

My postings are going to be a little more frequent in the next few months as much is going on. First let me go back before I can go forward.
My weight seems to be at a stand still, not that my scale is ever right (which is why I never owned one to begin with).  It is either WAY up or WAY down.  I hate that damn thing. Itss been one month since my last weigh in and I think I'm stuck.

The homework is a work in progress, but the liquid diet this week will be put in place.   Three days of eating sugar free, pureed finely and thinned liquids.  I know its part of the "practice" so I know what I will deal with when I have my surgery, but Im not sure I can do it.  I'm having so many mixed feelings right now.

Matt and I attended a support group for people who are pre-op and Post of from this surgery and wow.  They were an amazing group of candidates as well as support people.  I felt a little awkward at first, but once the talking started.. I seemed to fit in.  Amazing group of people!  I thought that requirement was kinda HOKEY, but ya know what. I think we are going back.  Its only once a month, but it made me feel so much better.  I love the that I have the support of most of my friends and most of my family, but these people get this all the way around.  They were all in different stages of their process from just beginning to FIVE years post op.  AMAZING .

One week till my next weigh in, which I am a little concerned with, AND three days this week of liquids.  Stay tuned.
Love to you all,


1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the liquid thing.... Holly did it for 6 weeks - and while her's was for a different reason - I did most of the food prep work. It is just as much work as cooking would be. Hang in there. You can do it.
    One day - one meal - one gulp at a time!
