Saturday, May 26, 2012

277.8 and frustrated.

This week has been a frustrating one for me personally! I'm back to work full time which has been great. My co-workers have been so supportive, some even offering things I cant have just because they forget.

the frustration for me is the fact that  my body is not healing the way it is suppose to.  The drain tube has been out for two weeks, but I still have this horrible hole on my right abdominal side, its healing, just not like it suppose to.. So once again, I enlisted the help of my 13 year old son, who was so/so about doing it... the hole has to be packed nightly until it heals.  Grrr.

My other frustration is that while I'm losing the weight (and feeling great btw), I feel like it should be coming off faster. Some people who have been here say it could stop in a week or two because all i can do is WALK for exercise and then it will pickup again when I can become really active.

I've managed to get one of my garden boxes planted (thanks to Matt turning the dirt) and half of the large box has been turned (thanks to Keisha), but the rest.............. ugh, the rest!

I'm tired of sitting idly.  I feel like I should be able to be up and running around and have to constantly remind myself that I am ONLY three weeks post op.

Today,  went to do the trash run and as I was getting ready to load it in the car, my Oldest son, Kohl said "Mom, you're not suppose to be lifting anything",  as I continue to try, not listening to him, he said DON'T lift that, I will do it.  My response, I wasn't.. He said I saw you. Leave it for me and I will do it.  Jeez! :/ :)  So I left it.  I guess that part, not being able to do all I want or am use to doing is the most frustrating part for me.

I had a great conversation last night with a close friend of mine, who had full GB, she reminded me of the same things I already know!  She is 9 months post op, so she's been down this road, its just frustrating for me.

My 2 week post op check yielded 8 more pounds away bringing me to 277.8.. (54 pounds since  I started this journey).   I haven't seen this number since I was PREGNANT with my 13 year old.  HOLY Cow.  I'm not seeing the changes, OK maybe in  My feet, my fingers, and my upper body are losing it, but that is NOT the place i want it to go away! LOL.... I'm hoping its moving its way down and eventually these hips and ass will take some of the blame and shed it!.

I also received the offer of "new to me" clothes :)  size 16!  Yikes.. That scares me.. I haven't seen that size since BEFORE I was pregnant with my Youngest daughter 19 years ago.  but I gladly accepted them.  size 14 s my goal weight.  Don't ask what size i am in now.. I'm still wearing stupid tie string pants because of the incisions and drain site.  I'm guessing if I HAD to I'd be 22? Maybe..

Anyway, that my gripe for this week. FRUSTRATION.

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