Monday, July 11, 2011

Week 2 -Less than Successful!

Well, Weigh in this week was not so great.  328. :(  I know the holiday weekend and my birthday were probably huge factors, but with all the walking I've done, it should not have mattered.

They have me on a 1600 calorie eating schedule.  That is alot. I did what THEY wanted me to do for a week.  Guess what, Not going to do that again.  I'm not going to do it!  I will just eat and be active like I normally do and go from there.
Frustrating.  On the good side of this, my Support Care Partner, Matt was told yesterday that he has to come down 24 pounds for Guards, so he will be pushing himself as well as me :)  Here's hoping!

New job starts on Friday.. Its a "sitting" job, which I am not going to like, but for now its all there is!


  1. I know it must be frustrating, but keep at it girl; You have raised/are raising some beautiful children inside and out...hence, you can do ANYTHING!

  2. It IS hard and frustrating! One day - one meal at a time. I hear your frustration. Hang in there - you can do this!!
