Monday, July 25, 2011

Month #2 - No Such Luck

Today was my second appointment and Matt went with me. Weigh in:............ 331 :( ! Oh NO! Not the way I envisioned this appointment going considering, but when it comes down to it. THEIR scales are the only ones that counts.   I saw the RNP, Deb and the Dietician, Eileen.  Both are so awesome.

Eileen seemed a little concerned with the increased in weight gain of 3 pounds and as was I likewise.  I expressed to her that 1600 calories a day was TOO much, so together we agreed no less than 1000, but no MORE than 1500.  I can do this.  She also made it clear I was to have MORE fruits and veggies. *SIGH*..  Ok, but I get sick of eating apples and bananas for breakfast and as most of you know me, I expressed this.
She advised me that I could eat veggies with my Yogurt if I so chose to :)  Here we are now, simple as simple can get.  1.  Lean Protein at EVERY meal.  2. a fruit or veggie at EVERY meal.  3. MORE water. 4. More "structured" walking. NO MORE STARTCHES!
When I questioned why I wasn't advised this on the first visit, it was simply stated, we needed to see how you eat and then we needed to fix it so you eat like WE want you to ,.  :D  DONE. I can do this!  Right?!

On to Deb the RNP.  Skinny little thing she is...... I wonder why they put all the skinny people in the "Fat People Clinic" (as I call it). .LOL.. anyway, we reviewed my medical history extensively.  Not ONCE did she mention my weight, which I found odd, but none the less we talked about the upcoming testing and classes I must attend and complete.  WHAT A List....
1. Support Group meeting
2. Behavioral Class with the Shrink
3. Nutrition class (with a QUIZ)
4.  Endoscopy (8/2)
5. Post Op nutrition class.

All in all, the visit to start out with was very discouraging, but ended with LOTS of encouragement. :)

Thanks for following :)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Week 3 1/2...... Little by Little

Well, the past 10 days have been a huge roller coaster for me.  I've started a new job :O).. and I'm down to 325.2 :D  Yippie!
DOWN 2.8 pounds since my last posting.  Ok, so its not easy, by any means, but you know.. Every little pound makes me feel like my mission is clear.

I have had nothing but positive feedback and support from all of you following (literally) and those of you who aren't :)  I thank you so very much.
To those of you who think otherwise, I don't need you or  your negativity!

Monday I go for my monthly weigh in with the RNP and the Dietician.  Lets hope THEIR scale shows I've come down.  I will post a picture on Monday.  You wont be able to see the loss as its so small, but.. over time.  (little something, something to watch)

Love to you all <3

Monday, July 11, 2011

Week 2 -Less than Successful!

Well, Weigh in this week was not so great.  328. :(  I know the holiday weekend and my birthday were probably huge factors, but with all the walking I've done, it should not have mattered.

They have me on a 1600 calorie eating schedule.  That is alot. I did what THEY wanted me to do for a week.  Guess what, Not going to do that again.  I'm not going to do it!  I will just eat and be active like I normally do and go from there.
Frustrating.  On the good side of this, my Support Care Partner, Matt was told yesterday that he has to come down 24 pounds for Guards, so he will be pushing himself as well as me :)  Here's hoping!

New job starts on Friday.. Its a "sitting" job, which I am not going to like, but for now its all there is!

Friday, July 1, 2011

WEEK 1 - Shrunk 2 pounds

Well the Fourth of July weekend is upon me.  Its my birthday weekend as well, so this weekend could prove to be  a little challenging with ALL the food!  Its been a week since I've started this journey and ya know what?  This is HARD, but I'm down to 326.4 :)  The exercise is not nearly as hard as I expected with the nice weather I can do more outside and not even think about the "exercise." Plus chasing a 16 month old is not as easy as I remember, perhaps its because I'm not 20 anymore.. LOL.

Its been an emotional food eating week, but I managed to keep it together and only eat what I'm suppose to.  Except the pint of Ben & Jerry's Fro Yo Cherry Garcia (400 calories for the entire pint).  Since I am not a huge sweet eater, not eating them is easy; its the damn ice cream.  I've managed to cut out the soda and replace it with water (bleck)!    

Since the week has been pretty uneventful, I will close now.  
I just want to thank all of you who have been super supportive already on this journey,  Your continued kindness is so appreciated in case I forget to say so along the way.  The kind words have brought me to tears (Betsy). Thanks for believing in me, for not judging me, and for loving me just the way I am.

Love to you all.