Monday, September 19, 2011

On My Weigh Out of the 20's ~~~~~

     Today, I sit here in the waiting room with other people "like me." We are all here for the same reason... our weight and the battle with it.  Waiting for this Dr. to come out aind tell us about how we are going to change anid how others are going to see us.  Really?..1 -2-3  GO!
     Ok, so that class was NOT what I  expected. It was about ways to maintain your weight AFTER the surgery, but how to get in the habit BEFORE!  Informational, but I wanted to get to the weigh in, but not before I waited two hours and have lunch.  So We (Victoria and I had lunch) at VT Sandwich Company (normally I would recommend highly, but today it was awful), none the less, we hit up Toys R Us, Home Depot, Wal-Mart, and Dunkin Donuts while I waited.  I was very eager to weigh.  I didnt feel like I lost anything, but I knew I needed to.
     2:15 came................. WEIGH IN. = 320 :)  YAHOO!  4.2 pounds down! Yep. GONE GONE GONE!  I was very relieved.  Nearly half way in weight loss and 2/3 of the way in visits.  Now comes the mandatory 4 hour nutrition class, the support group, the pre-certification AND the next weigh in.  Phew, lots to do before the next visit in October.
     I'm very excited and scared as this approaches and it looks like January or February will be the actual time, but in the mean time.. Lots of work to do!

Love to you all who are "Watching Me Shrink" <3

1 comment:

  1. You go Girl!!! Proud of you, and proud of EVERY pound you can remove!!
