Monday, April 23, 2012

Surgery Date Set.

First I just want to thank ALL of you (I have 11 followers, but I know there are more who are reading)  who have been supportive of me on this journey that I started 11 months ago. Ia  feel like I need to explain  a few things to those of you who read this and support me (& even those who don't). May 7th, I will undergo a Sleeve Gastrectomy  I went for my pre-op exam. 307.6 is the next to final weight. I must continue to lose in the next two weeks.  It should really be easy. Liquid diet (the one I did in November) will commence for TWO weeks on Friday, April 27th.  Which is why I have been asking for low fat/ high protein soup recipes.

This journey over the last 11 months has just been the beginning of a life long commitment to getting healthier and staying healthy!  My decision to do this was not entered lightly. I didn't do this to "get skinny."  I chose this path because  I kept yo-yo'ing back and forth in my weight and when I peaked 300 pounds I just gave up trying. My primary physician suggested this to me over two years ago, but I declined then. I didn't get this way from surgery, I was not go to reverse it with surgery. Then a bunch of health problems started to loom due to my OVER 50% BMI.  Cholesterol was rising, High Sugar reared its ugly head. A heart murmur had developed.  I was unable to bend over and tie my shoes (I know, I know.. laugh cuz I don't wear them, but in the winter one must), couldn't put on my sox without becoming out of breath, forget getting off the floor without a struggle, couldn't sit cross legged on the floor, had to buy "re-enforced" furniture for the summer.  I didn't want this for myself anymore. I want to be able to see ALL of my children grown and be successful.

So for those of you who are in great support, without judgement and are asking about it. I appreciate it in more ways than you can imagine.  I thank you for caring, for listening to me about my journey, struggle, successes.  Like I said, Friday I will begin the real journey.  Please feel free to ask questions, lend support, keep me in your prayers for my success over the next few weeks into months.  Positive energy, thoughts, and prayers are always welcome. This girl will transform into HALF the body I am now, but NOT half the person.

If you disagree, I'm sorry I don't have your support and that you disagree with my choice.  Please keep the  negativity to yourself.

for a "picture" of how this will look....

Love to you all! <3

1 comment:

  1. Bonnie, This is so awesome, I've been following your progress when I can and reading back when I can't, this has been a pretty eventful journey for you, but its so exciting to have a date set!!! As for the liquid diet, that sounds hard, however, a co-worker of mine eats a lot of raw food, makes a smoothie for breakfast and lunch every day. She puts protein type powder in breakfast and tahini and/or avocado in lunch along with fruits/veggies, etc. It actually isn't as bad as it sounds. Best of luck!! I am so excited for you and will keep you in my prayers! *hugs* Katie
