Sunday, April 8, 2012

307.4 and a date in place

Its been a wild ride the past few months. I just realized I haven't said anything, well not published anyway.. i've written, but just didnt post..  So I've posted my those  past two posts today..  Probably because I went backwards and was so disappointed in myself that I didnt want to disappoint anybody else either, but since I started this journey LAST June I've managed to come full circle and realize........I've done it. Hit my weight goal and still working at it. And when I mean working at it,, it truly is just the beginning of work. Probably the hardest I've ever worked at anything in my life.  This is serious business.

 I've done it!  I've made my weight goal and have been approved with a date in place.  It all just came to be so real yesterday.  My emotions, as if they weren't enough already, ran away with me IN the car none the less; so I really couldn't go anywhere to hide, and once again, there were pieces to be picked up,doubts to be reassured of.  I am truly blessed with family I have. . I truly do have a great support system in place.

I do need to say this...... I am doing this for HEALTH reasons and for ME.  I'm not doing it to get "skinny" or so others will like me or so I dont have to work at maintaining.  This is not the goal, just a step towards the goal. I will have to work harder to maintain. So if I seem less than receptive to your comments, its because  I've heard some pretty negative things about this whole idea for me and honestly I dont need it.  So if you dont agree with my decision or want to be genuinely supportive then dont say anything

I will keep those of you subscribed updated as I venture through.  I love those of you who are in my corner!

1 comment:

  1. Bonnie I am very proud of you. You inspire me to no ends. I am here to watch you go on with all that you want. Love you lots.
