Monday, December 30, 2019

2016, 2017, 2018, 2019

Happy New Year,
It has been several years since I have blogged in regards to my weight loss journey. It wasn't until recently that I'd really thought about my journey to where I am today.  A friend of mine, who found out I had gone through surgery asked me about it.  She was thinking about it, I gave her my thoughts both good and bad experiences and told her I would support her no matter the route she took. its not for everybody, especially if you go into it thinking, "hey I'm gonna get skinny!"  Wrong answer.

My journey goes so far back and looking back at it.. over 8 years ago I had begun this journey.  From 386 pounds down to 176 pounds.  Mind you, my weight fluctuates like everybody else's does.  I've gone as high at 199, but never over that.  When it crept that high I freaked out and went back to the basics.   I'm proud to say that I am a steady 176 pounds, but like i said I go up and go down, but pretty much maintain where I am at.

Over the last four years, I became a grandmother,  graduated from Nursing school, worked in my field in a private duty  capacity, and mentored others who have either had surgery and are struggling, or been the support team who are considering it. I have made some great friends because of this commonality and lost some who became resentful of my success.  My success does not mean I did not struggle, it just means I have remembered to use my tool box.  I regret none of it.

   Our catering business has probably thrived because of it We (I) only cater a few events a year. I cant eat a lot of what I cater, so I feed.  I'm good at it.  I am a natural food pusher, just ask my husband and children.  I love to feed!  I have recently expanded our catering to private meals for shut ins who can not cook for themselves and for those who do not wish to cook due to their ages.  I love this.  I can cook a variety of meals with a ton of restrictions and enjoy every challenge.  Ive learned how to make my own crackers!

At home I am still a food Nazi, but have backed off comparatively since 2017!  I still do all the meal planning (with suggestions of course from those who eat what is cooked), I do the shopping, but I do not do all of the prep.   Matt has picked up that aspect of it.  I am grateful for that.  We eat healthy.  We are virtually a pasta free household.  There was a little bit if hesitancy about it, but now its ritual so no problems.  We eat junk.  I have learned that everything can be eaten but always in moderation.  I deprive my self of nothing at all.  It creates bad habits and binges, both of which I do not need.

I have come to learn that I can eat whatever I want but my body always tells me how it feels about it. With that said, I avoid milk ( I drink lactose free milk), I avoid pasta and breads, most things gluten filled, ground hamburger unless it is the good stuff, but I'm too cheap to pay for that so I often dont), As well as corn and rice.   I love steak and chocolate cake (both of which I had no desire to eat 8 years ago). I eat pizza minus the dough and crust most times.  If you want to see something fun, watch that, just ask my 19 year old son. He laughs ever time.    I eat cookies and all kinds of sweets, but always in  moderation. I still dont eat celery! I listen to my body.  Even if I do not listen, I pay for it within 30 minutes.  Its not fun or fun to watch (so i am told).

I look at other who are on a weight loss journey and see all the successes.  I wished I could have been successful on these programs like Jennie Craig, Weight Watchers, Atkins, paleo, yada yada,  and so on. I tried it all.  Why didnt these work for me.  I found out about 4 years ago it had something to do with my cortisol levels being too high and being insulin resistant.  Everything carb loaded turned to sugar and was stored for "later usage." This comes from training your body for years through binge and purge and deprivation.  Do I feel bad?  Sometimes yes.  I feel bad that I my body didn't have the courage or motivation to do what I needed to do on its own, but she just wasn't' having it.  I REGRET nothing in this journey.

My Cholesterol was 589 at its highest on meds, and now its 187.  My BGS was always so high, I refused to take it and now its maintained and I feel good.  The only side effect I really endured was major hair loss, which is why I went from long locks to a pixie cut!  I have tried multiple times to grow it out and it always comes out in clumps.  So I always go back to the pixie. Again this weekend I am headed there!

It seems I'm just rambling at this point, so I will close it up and Say Happy New Year and if you need a support system for weight loss,, FIND ME!  I'm here.