Sunday, December 15, 2013

18 Months Post -Op,

Happy Holidays -
I apologize for the long delay of an entry, but my life has taken a huge spin about and I've not had time.
So as most of you know, I am 18 months post op and have inspired FIVE of my friends to journey down the WLS road as well.  All I can do is be supportive and cheer them on.  I am willing to help those who want to help themselves. Know that WLS is not for everybody, sometimes diet & exercise is enough.

The first holiday of this season was extremely difficult for me to manage, believe it or not. I managed to get through it and MANAGED to even hit more than 1200 calories that day  without exploding.  Its all about portion, moderation, and timing.

Since this surgery, I've managed to switch from eating good snacks to being a choco-holic, but with severe moderation. I have maintained my weight since August and am please as is the Doctor.  I still struggle with thin hair due to lack of protein requirements in my diet as well as Vit D deficiency and Vit B6 & 12, but those can be fixed with  daily supplements.

With Winter upon us, I can start to get out and do some snow shoeing. I'm so very excited.

Just thought I would pop in and wish all of my followers a Merry Christmas.

Here is an updated frontal comparison as well as side views.


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