Friday, November 9, 2012

Six month four day- post op!

Six months Post Op!
Well today I weighed in being 6 months and 4 days out. 207!!! Not quite below 200 which was my six month goal, butHaven't seen this in months, heck; YEARS. Who am I kidding?! 124 total since the beginning and 100 # from surgery date!! Excited? You bet! Considering they advised 80 pounds is the norm in the first year!

It's amazing the people that drive right by me because the just don't recognize me or people who don't wave for the same reason. Heck my own mother drove right by me cuz she thought "somebody else" was driving a car that looked like mine. It's ok, I don't recognize me either.

I have to share what happened to me just yesterday. I was asked, when I was at CVMC to get blood drawn if my personality changed; mind you my youngest daughter was with me ( my physical support person - one of them through all of this) .. Anyway, simultaneously we answer " she says 'YES' and me? I say no!! Lol. We both laugh and then I look at her confused - STILL IN FRONT OF THE REGISTRATION PERSON She simply says " she's Much happier". My heart melted. It's true. I'm happy with me, loose flabby skin, missing belly button and all! Healthier! The new me! This woman proceeded to talk to us about wanting to do this herself, but had no support. Before I could say anything, my youngest daughter says to her "Ill be YOURS! I'll go with you every step if the way". Needless to say this woman and myself were moved to tears for two entirely different reasons! How proud I was!

Keep in mind The last six months have NOT come without challenges, but the successes outweigh those Ten to One (10:1. )
I often get asked "what, if anything, do I regret about this surgery/ process?" My answer: NOTHING! The only challenge I constantly have is I've yet to find a food that cures the 'need' to eat. You know that comfort food the one that satisfies. Haven't found it. I HAVE found my sweet tooth :/ which I NEVER HAD. For those of you that are thinking " oh no!" No worries, two pieces of dove bar and I'm done. :). If The fat content in anything is higher than 4g- my body throws a fit, therefore I stay away, but it's soo worth it The only issue I hate and am trying to really grasp ahold of is the major amount if hair loss. But hey, what's a lil clogging drain or rats nest hair brush!? Lol. Biotin and B complex overload is my best friend these days.

I worried in the past I'd fail, but I don't anymore I'd slip back. I listen to my body (as I always have) and pay the price if I don't. This is a LIFESTYLE change not a quick fix. In fact, I've taken over all the grocery shopping AND food preparation at home. oh don't worry, Matt still cooks but with me by his side AFTER I've / we've shopped. Lol. Makes him crazy but it needs to happen.

Another question I get asked is "what can you eat?" I'm just like you I can eat whatever I want. Just depends on whether I want the consequences or not. If I don't eat it, it's because I don't want the consequences,it's not because I can't. Did you think is give up grilled cheese forever!? Haha - you're funny. Once a month (due to bread and fats) I treat myself - yes I do pay but I do treat myself to half a sandwich :).

I've managed to now run 2 miles, walk 4.5miles and hike more! All without struggling. My middle son and I fave plans for some XC skiing this winter as well as some snowshoeing! how excited am i to be able to wear ski pants. :) with all this exercise I hope to tone and prep my cardio for the spring.

My goal is to run the Sap Run @ Maple Festival time in April 2013, but my first running attempt, I think will be is going to be the one mile Reindeer Run in St Albans December 6th. :).

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