Monday, August 13, 2012

14 weeks post op.. challenges loom

It’s been a while since I’ve blogged and I truly apologize.  I’ve been a little busy.  Work, a 2 year old, August Birthdays AND Matt gone to guard camp, but today (at work) I’ve made time..
For those of you asking and counting ~ 243 as of August 2nd and still coming down.  My next professional weigh in is November, right before the Holidays :/  The past fourteen weeks have proved to be a challenge every day, both good and bad equally, but there isn’t a day that goes by that I regret my decision.  Say it’s the easy way out, say I cheated.. Say whatever you want, but know doing this was never an easy decision.  There are days I question (due to the challenges) myself as to whether I did the right thing and the answer is always the same, but I never regret it.
I am down a total of 88 pounds since June 10, 2011 and since surgery date weigh in, I’m 64.8 pounds down!  Yeah for me!  Its still coming off to the point where it scares me because of how fast its coming off.  The purpose of all this right?!  Here’s where the challenges come in.
It does, however, seem like I have MORE of a body image issue now than I ever did when I was morbidly obese. Everybody else is full of praise and wonderment at my transformation, but I only see the flaws, I never saw before.  Sounds like it’s time for a support group meeting.
I love the fact that I can get rid of my clothes and buy new ones.  Shopping has a whole new meaning. I actually enjoy it.  And the new underwear – ah the new underwear.. NO more granny panties.  
 The types of food I love to eat have ceased to exist.  Anything I eat makes me nauseous so I end up drinking my meals for the most part. However, I have discovered steak J and I love it.
I have also for the first time in probably 10 years went hiking on August 4th with my Middle Son, William. What a great feeling. J 

And the other night… I watched Extreme Make over Weight Loss Edition.  I cried for practically the entire episode.  I kept thinking, I went through that, I know how she feels.  Did I really look like that and do I look like that now?!  Amazing transformation in progress.
june 10, 2011                                                                        August 2, 2012